ISSN 2444-3913

Red Iberoamericana de Toxicología y Seguridad Química

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Red Iberoamericana de Toxicología y Seguridad Química

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«Who’s who» in the field of alternative methods

30 noviembre 2008

We wish to remind you that, the DataBase on ALternative Methods (DB-ALM) of the Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (IHCP) to which ECVAM belongs to has made available for public access early this year the directory on contact details of :

“Persons & Institutions active in the Field of Alternative Methods.»

If you haven’t taken the opportunity yet to access the above data sector, you can do so by subscribing free of charge on the DB-ALM*. Select afterwards the “In Vitro Method» search option on the top menu bar.

The current data sector includes all persons which have confirmed/updated their data on our request, in addition to the contact details for the INVITTOX protocols and contains in total almost 200 entries. We wish to inform you that, in the future, we will contact all persons every 2 years in an automatic manner to verify and/or review their data. Those who don’t reply after two reminders we will have to remove from the directory.

New inscriptions

To extend the availability of information on persons/institutions active in the field of alternative methods («Who’s who»), we invite you to send a short alert to: stating your wish to become part of this service.

We will come soon back to you and submit you a predetermined form for completion.

We are looking forward to your collaboration.


European Commission – Joint Research Centre (EC-JRC)
Institute for Health & Consumer Protection (IHCP)
European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM)

Categorías: ECVAM