ISSN 2444-3913

Red Iberoamericana de Toxicología y Seguridad Química

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Red Iberoamericana de Toxicología y Seguridad Química

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Entradas de septiembre 2009

Magister Internacional en Toxicología a distancia

18 septiembre 2009

Programa internacional de formación de postgrado a distancia, integrado por:

Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Químicos de Sevilla, España

Prof. Dr. Manuel Repetto

Cuadro Docente:
Los módulos han sido preparados por más de 150 Profesores y colaboradores docentes de 12 países.

Destinado a:
Graduados o Doctores en Ciencias Experimentales, Ciencias de la Salud, e Ingenieros (Biología, Bioquímica, Ciencias Ambientales, Ciencias de los Alimentos, Enfermería, Farmacia, Medicina, Química, Veterinaria e Ingenierías de orientación sanitaria y afines).

Una vez superadas las pruebas finales del Primer Curso, se emite el Título de Experto Internacional en Toxicología, como Título Propio del Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Químicos de Sevilla.

Nota aclaratoria:
Actualmente se están produciendo cambios en las normativas universitarias europeas con la reglamentación dimanante del Convenio de Bolonia, a los que se van adaptando los distintos países, que para los estudios de postgrado distingue el Título Oficial, conforme a esas normas, de cierta complejidad burocrática, y los llamados Títulos Propios, de las universidades y entidades superiores tal como se vienen impartiendo hasta ahora. Para la posterior convalidación de créditos académicos, méritos curriculares, homologación del título, etc. deberán recabar información de los estamentos locales acerca de la normativa vigente en cada país.

Más información:

3rd Hemispheric Conference on Medical Geology

17 septiembre 2009

Dear Colleagues and Friends:

On behalf of the International Medical Geology Association (IMGA), the Uruguayan Society of Toxicology and Ecotoxicology and the Faculty of Chemistry from the Universidad de la Republica de Uruguay, we are pleased to invite you to participate in the 3rd Hemispheric Conference on Medical Geology, which will be held the week of October 12-16, 2009 in Montevideo, Uruguay.

The Hemispheric Conference on Medical Geology meeting was started as a contribution to the rapidly expanding and growing field of Medical Geology. Medical geology has numerous applications to the resolution of local, regional and global health issues. The aim of this 3rd Hemispheric Conference on Medical Geology (3rd HCMedGeo) is to promote interdisciplinary discussions, international scientific collaborations and to build up new personal contacts between medical geology researchers by bringing together scientists from South America, Central and North America, Canada, and the Caribbean Basin to share the most recent advances and latest information on Medical Geology research with particular emphasis on environmental and health problems afflicting this part of the globe.

The 1st HCMedGeo was organized in Puerto Rico with participation from over 50 delegates and with representation from each of the regions. The 2nd HCMedGeo was recently organized in Atibaia, Brazil with over 150 participants bringing together a wide range of disciplines in geosciences and biomedical research with particular interest on Medical Geology.

The Scientific Program for the 3rd HCMedGeo will be composed of plenary lectures, short courses, oral and poster presentations covering a diverse and multidisciplinary research agenda with topics including: soils, water, air and public health; environmental epidemiology, environmental monitoring, and disease surveillance; emerging and re-merging diseases and medical geology; topical diseases and their impact on human and animal health; geochemical mapping and human health databases; risk analysis and risk communication/management in medical geology; veterinary medicine and medical geology; environmental medicine, toxicology and environmental geochemistry; environmental and forensic geology; analytical toxicology (e.g., trace element speciation) and geochemical tools in medical geology; trace elements, metals and metalloids and nutrition; environmental bioremediation of contaminated sites.

On behalf of the organizers and sponsors for the 3rd HCMedGeo we look forward to welcome you to Montevideo, and to share with you what promises to be a highly scientifically stimulating and memorable event for the Americas.


Prof. Dr. Nelly Mañay
General Chairwoman

Dr. Jose Centeno
Chairman International Scientific Committee

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