ISSN 2444-3913

Red Iberoamericana de Toxicología y Seguridad Química

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Red Iberoamericana de Toxicología y Seguridad Química

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Abstract IUTOX 2010 (ICT-XII)

14 mayo 2010

Dear Colleagues of the Organizing Committees of the ICT-XII,

The Special issue of Toxicology Letter for the abstract of the congress has the official date of 17 July 2010: Volume 196, Supplement 1, Pages S1-S352 (17 July 2010). However, today I have known that Elsevier has already published online in Science Direct the abstract of the Congress.

We received more than 1500 abstracts and more than 1400 were accepted. The Toxicology Letter issue contains the 1084 abstracts that followed the following conditions: (1) received before 18 March AND (2) the registration was paid by at least one author or at least with a compromise of paying later or coming from invited speakers.

We have other (>400) accepted abstracts which will be included in an addenda in the case that registration will be paid at least 6 weeks before the congress.

The organization of the Congress is going on. We encourage you to continue promoting the Congress in your areas of influence.

The link to the online access to abstracts is:

Eugenio Vilanova

Prof. Eugenio Vilanova
Congress President

IUTOX 2010
Barcelona –Spain 19-23 July 2010

Categorías: General