ISSN 2444-3913

Red Iberoamericana de Toxicología y Seguridad Química

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Red Iberoamericana de Toxicología y Seguridad Química

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SOT International Programs

10 junio 2015

Society of Toxicology

Dear HOT members,

The Society of Toxicology (SOT) is searching for great candidates for these international programs! It will be difficult to begin preparations for the International ToxScholar Grant due June 3rd (see more details below) however, please consider applying to these unique opportunities listed below. Please also feel free to pass along this email to your colleagues and respected network listserves. Additionally, the HOT board welcomes you to reach out to us to assist you with your proposals, just please be mindful of giving the board ample time to review and assist you. Direct HOT assistance inquires to Azita Cuevas at

International ToxScholar Grants

Have you thought about being a toxicology envoy to an academic institution in a part of the world where toxicology programs might not be abundant? The goal of the visit would be to increase awareness of educational and career opportunities in toxicology. This program provides up to $1,250 support for an SOT member to visit an institution in a Developing Country. The ToxScholar would make formal and informal presentations to undergraduate and graduate students as well as faculty at an academic institution.

  • How to Apply? Check eligibility criteria and the Developing Country list to see if you have contacts in one of the countries who might host your visit, develop your plan, ask for a letter of invitation, and then submit your application for the SOT International ToxScholar Outreach Grant.
  • Application deadline: June 3rd and October 9th 2015.

Global Senior Scholar Exchange

Do you know a toxicologist in a Developing Country in Africa, Asia, or Central/South America who would benefit from an exchange with a toxicologist in an established toxicology laboratory? If so, please pass this information about the Global Senior Scholar Exchange along to him or her. The Scholar is funded by SOT to attend the 2016 Annual Meeting and also to spend up to four weeks at the institution of the Host.

  • How to Apply? Visit the Global Senior Scholar Exchange web site for the application criteria and more information. Once the two Scholars are selected applications will be solicited for Hosts in disciplinary areas matching the interests of the Scholar.
  • Application deadline: June 15th annually. Successful candidates will be notified by July and host applications are due September 15th.

If you have questions please visit the website:

Good luck candidates,
Officers of the Hispanic Organization of Toxicologists

Categorías: Noticias