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Red Iberoamericana de Toxicología y Seguridad Química

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Red Iberoamericana de Toxicología y Seguridad Química

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13th International Comet Assay Workshop

7 marzo 2019

13th International Comet Assay Workshop

Dear colleagues,

It is our pleasure to invite you to attend the 13th International Comet Assay Workshop (ICAW 2019), taking place in Pushchino (Moscow Region) in Russia; 24-28th of June 2019. The International Comet Assay Workshops are a series of scientific conferences dealing with practical and theoretical aspects of the Comet Assay, aimed at both experienced and new users of this popular technique. Topics will include both regulatory aspects as well as fundamental research applications.

  • Early registration deadline is 31st of March 2019 (students 250 EURO and regular 350 EURO).
  • Abstract deadline is 1st of March 2019.

We also secured some discounted prices at the venue hotel. We advise you to book before the end of the year to secure your discounted accommodation price.

Moscow is easy to reach by plane at the various airports. When booked well in advance, prices for a return flight ticket are about 300EURO from anywhere in Europe. In order to facilitate transport to the hotel/venue in Pushchino, shuttle busses and/or taxis will be arranged.

More information on the venue, VISA application, registration and abstract submission can be found on our website: You will also find a draft programme and session topics:

In case you have any further questions, please contact us at

We are looking forward to welcome you to Pushchino in 2019!

Best regards,

ICAW2019 Organizing Committee

More information:

Categorías: Reuniones