Más información:
Congreso Internacional de Toxicología – Colombia 2020
5 febrero 2020
XVI Congreso de Toxicología y Seguridad Química de ALATOX
5 febrero 2020
Más información:
13th European Pesticide Residues Workshop
22 enero 2020
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
On behalf of the EPRW 2020 Scientific and Local Organising Committees, I would like to invite you warmly to the 13th European Pesticide Residues Workshop, which will take place in Granada, Spain, from 11th to 15th of May 2020, under the patronage of the University of Almería and the University of Granada.
The European Pesticide Residue Workshop (EPRW) – hosted every second year in a different European city – has become, after twelve successful editions, the premier meeting for the presentation and discussion of the latest concepts and developments in the area of pesticide residues in food and drink. EPRW 2020 will put together more than 500 experts from all over the world, coming from official and private food control laboratories, regulatory bodies, health and agricultural authorities, universities and research institutes, analytical equipment industry, food producers and distributors, agrochemical manufactures, consumers associations, and other interested parties, to update and exchange the information and experience in all the fields related to the evaluation and control of pesticides residues.
The conference will be held at the Granada Conference Centre (PCGR), from Tuesday (morning) to Friday (afternoon), but on Monday, in the afternoon and evening, we will have a pre-workshop course and the welcome reception. As in the previous editions of EPRW, held in Alkmaar, Almería, York, Rome, Stockholm, Corfu, Berlin, Strasbourg, Vienna, Dublin, Limassol and Munich, the scientific programme of EPRW 2020 will cover plenary lectures, oral presentations, poster sessions, roundtable discussions, young scientists oral presentations, vendor sessions, and poster awards. Likewise, during the workshop we will have a large exhibition area as an integral part of the meeting.
This welcome letter can not end without drawing your attention to the host city of EPRW 2020. Granada, declared a World Heritage Site in 1994, is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world, where you can find one of the most visited monuments in Europe (La Alhambra). We hope that EPRW 2020 attendees will experience the same thing that many artists, writers and travellers from all over the world experienced when they visited Granada, being fascinated by its beauty and charm.
We are looking forward to welcoming all of you in Granada in May 2020.
Antonio Valverde
EPRW 2020 Chair
More information:
Encuesta de REMA sobre el uso de alternativas a los animales de experimentación
22 octubre 2019
Estimado/a compañero/a:
La Agencia Estatal de Investigación ha manifestado a REMA- Red Española para el Desarrollo de Métodos Alternativos a la Experimentación Animal la conveniencia de disponer de información actualizada sobre los grupos españoles que investigan con modelos no animales.
Por ello, REMA pone en marcha esta encuesta que estará disponible hasta el 15 de noviembre de 2019. Los resultados preliminares se presentarán en la X Jornada REMA. Hacia una estrategia nacional de promoción de las alternativas a la experimentación animal, en homenaje a Consol Fina, que se celebrará el 12-12-2019 en Madrid.
Rogamos den la máxima difusión. La encuesta está accesible en:
Por favor, cumplimenten sólo una encuesta por grupo y antes de comenzar, tengan preparada la información sobre el grupo, orcid del IP y datos de los proyectos en los que ha participado.
Muchas gracias,
REMA – Red Española de para el Desarrollo de Métodos Alternativos a la Experimentación Animal
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BUSCA-TOX Encuentra Información Toxicológica y Ambiental |
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BUSCA ALTERNATIVAS Encuentra Alternativas en Experimentación Animal |
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