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XXX Jornadas Argentinas Interdisciplinarias de Toxicología
30 junio 2012
Postdoctoral Researcher in BIOINFORMATICS
30 junio 2012
University of California Riverside–Riverside, CA (US)
The Nuclear Receptor DNA Binding Project (http://nrdbs.ucr.edu) is seeking a bioinformatics postdoctoral researcher for its 4-year NIH-funded project. The bioinformatician will apply computational approaches to biological data generated by cutting edge technologies, such as Protein Binding Microarrays (PBM), ChIP-seq, RNA-seq and GWAS, and then link the information to data on human populations, including SNPs.
The bioinformatician will work closely with a molecular biologist who generates the biological data, as well as with collaborators in the nuclear receptor field. Direction will be provided by Prof.s Frances Sladek (Cell Biology and Neuroscience, http://www.sladeklab.ucr.edu/), Tao Jiang (Computer Science, http://www.cs.ucr.edu/~jiang/) and Thomas Girke (Director of the UCR Bioinformatics Core, http://girke.bioinformatics.ucr.edu/).
The goal of the project is discovery-oriented research publications as well as contribution to the Nuclear Receptor DNA Binding database (e.g., http://nrmotif.ucr.edu/aaSNP/aaSNP.htm).
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Jornadas de Formación en Toxicología 2012
27 junio 2012
29 de junio de 2012
Salón de Grados
Facultad de Farmacia
Universidad de Valencia
- 9’00 – 9’15.- Inauguración de las Jornadas
- 9’15 – 10’00.- Educación en Toxicología
- 10’00 – 10’45.- Métodos Alternativos
- 10’45 – 11’00.- Descanso
- 11’00 – 11’45.- Toxicología Forense
- 11’45 – 12’30.- Toxicología Veterinaria
- 12’30 – 13’15.- Toxicología Clínica
- 13’15 – 15 ’00.- Comida
- 15’00 – 15’30.- Sesión de carteles por Secciones
- 15’30 – 16’15.- Toxicología Alimentaría
- 16’15 – 16’45.- Toxicología Ambiental
- 16’45.- Clausura de las Jornadas y entrega de certificados
- 17’00.- Asamblea de la AETOX (sólo para socios)
Más información:
IARC: Diesel Engine Exhaust Carcinogenic
15 junio 2012
After a week-long meeting of international experts, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which is part of the World Health Organization (WHO), today classified diesel engine exhaust as carcinogenic to humans (Group 1), based on sufficient evidence that exposure is associated with an increased risk for lung cancer.
Read IARC Press Release 213.
More information:
BUSCA-TOX Encuentra Información Toxicológica y Ambiental |
BUSCA ALTERNATIVAS Encuentra Alternativas en Experimentación Animal |