2 agosto 2010

La II Reunión de la Red Iberoamericana de Toxicología y Seguridad Química – RITSQ, tuvo lugar durante la celebración del XII Congress of Toxicology (IUTOX2010), en la Sala 8 del Palacio de Congresos de Barcelona, el martes 20 de julio de 2010 entre las 15.00 y las 16.00 horas.
A la misma asistieron colegas toxicólogos de Argentina (3), Bolivia (1), Brasil (10), Chile (4), Colombia (7), Cuba (2), España (11), Finlandia (1), Portugal (3), Puerto Rico (1), México (12) y Uruguay (1). Fueron especialmente invitados los coordinadores de la Red y aquellos toxicólogos que respondieron a la convocatoria que realizamos a los 545 miembros registrados en la RITSQ.
Descargar el informe completo de la Reunión (PDF).
1 agosto 2010
25 julio 2010
Invitation for Grant Applications
The Long-range Research Initiative (LRI) is one of the major voluntary initiatives of the European chemical industry to support its competitiveness and innovation potential. LRI aims to identify and fill gaps in our understanding of the hazards posed by chemicals and to improve the methods available for assessing the associated risks.
LRI sponsors high-quality research, published in peer-reviewed journals, and seeks to provide sound scientific advice on which industry and regulatory bodies will draw to respond more quickly and accurately to the public’s concerns.
In the context of its LRI programme, the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic) is accepting grant applications to carry out research in the following areas:
- B8 – Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) for inhalation exposure
- EMSG55 – Combined effects of natural and synthetic endocrine active chemicals
- EMSG56 – Combined low dose exposure to endocrine active chemicals
- ECO17 – Evaluation of test methods for measuring toxicity to sediment organisms
- AIMT2 – Toxicogenomics as mechanistic readouts from in vitro studies
Deadline: 31 August 2010
Project specifications, budget details and application forms can be found on the Cefic LRI website. Only proposals that fit the project specifications and are submitted in the official LRI application form will be considered.
For further details, please contact Dr. Bruno Hubesch, Cefic LRI Manager at lri@cefic.be.
25 julio 2010
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