ISSN 2444-3913

Red Iberoamericana de Toxicología y Seguridad Química

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Red Iberoamericana de Toxicología y Seguridad Química

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LRI Innovative Science Award 2014

16 enero 2014

LRI Innovative Science Award 2014

he European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic), in conjunction with the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), the Association of European Toxicologists and European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX), the International Society of Exposure Sciences (ISES) and Chemical Week, is offering a €100,000 award to support promising new research in the field of environmental risk assessment and management.

In recent years European regulations have tended towards use of hazard criteria to assess the acceptability of substances with highly hazardous properties, such as those classified as SVHC, for example PBTs (Persistent, Bioaccumulative, Toxic). This is justified by the higher levels of uncertainty in determining risks to the environment and the potential difficulties in remediation. However, several published case studies indicate that risk assessment is possible for these difficult substances (ECETOC TR 112, 2011). In addition, recent advances in the application of mechanistic insights in fate and effects modelling, and in laboratory and field studies may increase our capability to assess the risks of substances with properties of concern, e.g. those measured or predicted to be P and/or B and/or T.

We are looking for new approaches and techniques that address the challenges in assessing such substances which could include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Lab to field extrapolation
  • Field assessment
  • Weight of evidence assessment

The objective of this LRI Award is to stimulate innovative research, ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking and new approaches which will advance the environmental assessment of hazardous substances.

The research should be complementary to the Long-range Research Initiative’s (LRI) objectives, a chemical industry funded programme that aims at enhancing scientific knowledge to help protect health and the environment. More information is available on the LRI website (see “About LRI”)

The award is intended for a European-based scientist with less than ten years of expereience after doctoral degree. Active involvement in interdisciplinary research, current academic track record, and access to appropriate networks will be considered in the selection.

The LRI Innovative Science Award will be officially presented at the LRI Annual Workshop on 20 November 2014. The 2014 Awardee will be expected to present the results of his/her research supported by the Award at the LRI Annual Workshop in November 2015.

Deadline for applications: 15 March 2014 (midnight CET)

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EPAA 3Rs Science Award 2012

3 marzo 2012

La EPAA (Asociacion Europea sobre estrategias alternativas a la experimentacion animal) convoca, por segunda vez, un premio cientifico que pretende respaldar la optimizacion y aceptacion regulatoria de metodos alternativos a la experimentacion con animales (3Rs: reducir, refinar y reemplazar) . Este premio ofrece a los jovenes investigadores la oportunidad de cooperar con cientificos de nombrada experiencia en varios sectores de la industria y con la Comision Europea.

Descargar información detallada (PDF)

Hispanic Organization of Toxicologists SIG Hispanic Travel Award

1 enero 2012


The Hispanic Organization of Toxicologists (HOT) has provided travel awards for the past seven years to Hispanic students and postdoctoral trainees working in the area of toxicology research. The HOT travel award is offered to outstanding young scientists of Hispanic origin to help with the associated costs of presenting their research at and attending the SOT Annual Meeting. Our organization places particular emphasis on high quality research that includes, but is not limited to, Hispanic population issues pertinent to the USA and Latin America. We look forward to continuing to provide a competitive travel award and encouraging the participation of all Hispanic students and postdoctoral trainee members of HOT. HOT will give preference to first-time applicants with a high quality research background. Previous winners may apply with the understanding that the likelihood of winning a second award may be linked to funding availability after all first-time applicant winners have been selected. The award consists of $750.00 and a beautiful plaque for your lab or office space.

To apply for the HOT Travel Award, candidates must comply with the following requirements:

  1. Applicant must be an undergraduate, graduate or post-graduate fellow
  2. Applicant must be BOTH an SOT and HOT member (or applicant) of Hispanic origin
  3. Applicant must be first author of an abstract submitted and accepted for the 2012 SOT Annual Meeting
  4. Applicant must submit a copy of the complete abstract accepted by SOT and a letter of recommendation from a mentor (not to exceed one page)
  5. Documents must be received no later than 11:59PM Eastern Standard Time(EST) on January 12, 2012

HOT is proud to welcome all interested Hispanic young toxicologists to join us in our journey to make a global impact through our organization.

All documents are to be e-mailed to: Betina Lew, Ph.D. and a copy also sent to: Pedro L. Del Valle, Ph.D.

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Premio en Salud y Toxicología Ambiental en la Infancia ‘Jenny Pronczuk’

8 diciembre 2011

El Departamento de Toxicología, del Hospital de Clínicas, Facultad de Medicina “Dr. Manuel Quintela” instituye un premio denominado “JENNY PRONCZUK” en honor y memoria de la Profesora Doctora Jenny Pronczuk de Garbino con el legado de colegas y amigos.

La ex profesora Directora del Departamento de Toxicología, tuvo una destacada trayectoria en la Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Toxicología y a nivel internacional, en la Organización Mundial de la Salud, generó importantes iniciativas a favor de la salud infantil y la investigación en toxicología ambiental.

El objetivo del premio es estimular y promover la investigación científica y la intervención comunitaria en el área de la toxicología y la salud ambiental infantil.

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