ISSN 2444-3913

Red Iberoamericana de Toxicología y Seguridad Química

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Red Iberoamericana de Toxicología y Seguridad Química

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Change of EUROTOX 2016 venue

1 abril 2016

52nd Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology

Dear Members and Colleagues,

Due to the global instability that particularly affects Turkey, the Local Organising Committee of the 2016 EUROTOX congress has suggested the relocation of this year’s congress. Prof. Ali Esat Karakaya and Prof. Hilmi Orhan, together with colleagues from the Turkish Society have eagerly been working to make Istanbul an ideal location, however, due to unforeseeable reasons, and after careful evaluation of their proposal, the Executive Committee feels that it is in the best interest of EUROTOX to proceed with this change. We are confident that you can understand the reasons behind this decision and will support the relocation.

The new location is Seville, Spain and the venue is the Sevilla FIBES Congress Center. The dates of the congress will remain the same, September 4-7, 2016.

The updated congress website highlights the new details regarding the congress venue and accommodations, as well as important deadlines for the submission of abstracts (April 30th) and early bird registration (May 31st).

We invite you and strongly encourage you to help us disseminate the news of our relocation among your members, colleagues, scientific partners and professional network. With almost five months before the meeting, your active participation to promote the congress will help to ensure the success of this meeting.

Thank you for your kind consideration and on behalf of the 2016 LOC and the EUROTOX Executive Committee, we look forward to welcoming you to Seville in September.

Best regards,

Aristidis Tsatsakis
President of Eurotox
Esat Karakaya
President of EUROTOX 2016 Congress

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XIV International Congress of Toxicology (IUTOX-MEXICO 2016)

22 marzo 2016

Dear Colleagues,

IUTOX and the Mexican Society of Toxicology (SOMTOX) are pleased to announce the next triennial International Congress of Toxicology (ICT) to be held in October 2-6, 2016 at the Convention Center in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. It is our great pleasure to invite you to the International Congress of Toxicology to be held for the first time in Latin America, in a city that is the gateway to the Mayan World.

The Congress major theme is “Toxicology and Global Sustainability”. This meeting will offer a forum for sharing basic and applied research in Toxicology and is aimed to convene international scientists to present their results related to the exposure to toxic agents, adverse effects, mechanisms of toxicity, preventive alternatives, normativity, etc, to strengthen the science-policy interface to foster the progress towards sustainability. The diverse sessions will provide a forum to exchange information, to establish collaborations and networking, and to discuss cutting-edge research.

As a Latin American country, Mexico is proud of the hospitality of its people and be home of 27 UNESCO´s World Heritage Sites, and it is extremely honored to host the XIV International Congress of Toxicology. Merida is known as the “White City”, and is considered as the cultural and tourist capital of the Mayan World. In addition, Merida is close to many delighting places, such as beautiful beaches of the Caribbean, small towns with colonial flavors, and the most important archeological sites of the Mayan culture: Chichén Itzá, Uxmal, Mayapán and Kabah.

SOMTOX offers to undertake its best efforts to achieve a substantial participation of different countries from the region and contribute to IUTOX to consolidate its presence around the world. Please mark the ICTXIV meeting on your calendar!

Kind regards,

Organizing Committee

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XXII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Mutagénesis Ambiental (SEMA 2016)

29 febrero 2016

SEMA 2016

El Grupo de Toxicología de Laboratorios Esteve y el Grupo de Mutagénesis del Departament de Genètica i de Microbiologia de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, en nombre de la Sociedad Española de Mutagénesis Ambiental (SEMA), tienen el placer de invitarle al XXII Congreso de la SEMA, que se celebrará en Barcelona del 13 al 15 de Junio de 2016 en el Parc Científic de Barcelona.

Más información:


The Toxicology Group of Laboratories Esteve and Mutagenesis Group of the Department of Microbiology Genetics of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, on behalf of the Spanish Society of Environmental Mutagenesis (SEMA), are pleased to invite you to the XXII SEMA Meeting, to be held in Barcelona from 13 to 15 June 2016 at the el Parc Científic de Barcelona.

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SETAC Europe 26th Annual Meeting

9 diciembre 2015

SETAC Europe 2016


It is a great pleasure to invite you to the SETAC Europe 26th Annual Meeting, which will be held in Nantes, France, from 22-26 May 2016. Mark your agenda and save the date!

Nantes is one of the biggest cities of the French Atlantic coast at only two hours travel from Paris.

Environmental contaminants ignore boundaries and ecosystem limits. Under the general theme Environmental contaminants from land to sea: continuities and interface in environmental toxicology and chemistry, experts from academia, government and industry will share the most recent advanced knowledge in environmental sciences in order to improve chemical risk assessment and support current and future policies. Among the keynotes approached, Plastic waste in the aquatic environments, Fate and effect of cosmetics and personal care products – Regulatory perspectives, and Climate change and environmental contamination by chemicals: do they combine to modulate ecological and health effects? will put frames of debates of international interests.

We warmly welcome you to Nantes, in the Loire estuary, where history meets modernity. In this inventive and daring city, you will appreciate art deco style, cruises on the River Erdre, traditional music, and, of course, delicious French gourmet food and regional wines. Being the birthplace of Jules Verne, Nantes has kept the inspiration of the famous novelist to surprise visitors. Nantes is also an appropriate starting point to discover the Loire valley, with some of the finest royal castles and well-known vineyards, the sea shore with fishermen and salters villages, the Mont Saint Michel and beautiful long beaches.

We promise you an exciting scientific programme, surprising entertainment and great social events in a truly French atmosphere.

Welcome to France, rendez-vous in Nantes!

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