ISSN 2444-3913

Red Iberoamericana de Toxicología y Seguridad Química

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Red Iberoamericana de Toxicología y Seguridad Química

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Entradas en la categoría:

III Congreso Iberoamericano de Salud Ambiental para el Desarrollo Sustentable

19 agosto 2014

III Congreso Iberoamericano de Salud Ambiental  para el Desarrollo Sustentable

III Congreso Iberoamericano de Salud Ambiental  para el Desarrollo Sustentable

Más información:

1er Simposio Latinoamericano de Toxicología Médica

19 agosto 2014

1er Simposio Latinoamericano de Toxicología Médica

Fecha: Miércoles 20 a sábado 23 de agosto de 2014.

Lugar: Auditorio del Centro Cultural y Empresarial Panamericana de la ciudad de Medellín, Avenida El Poblado Carrera 43A 6Sur-150.

Dirigido a: Médicos, Médicos Toxicólogos Clínicos, Médicos Internos de Toxicología, Médicos Residentes de Toxicología.

Organizan: SYNGENTA S.A. y Sociedad Colombiana de Toxicólogos Clínicos.

Comité Organizador: Doctores Piedad Calle Uribe -SYNGENTA S. A.- y Jorge Alonso Marín Cárdenas –Sociedad Colombiana de Toxicólogos Clínicos-.

Comité Académico: Doctores Ubier Eduardo Gómez Calzada, Jorge Alonso Marín Cárdenas y Myriam del Carmen Gutiérrez de Salazar.

Director General: Médico Carlos Benavides Sanguña.

Apoyo logístico: SUIMAGEN Creativa, tel. 333 2261, 332 1362, e-mail:

Informes y Preinscripciones: con Luis Reinaldo Franco Restrepo, comunicador social, a través del e-mail:, celular 321 811 4946, Medellín – Colombia.

Descargar el programa detallado (PDF).

Invitation to the Topical Scientific Workshop on Regulatory Challenges in Risk Assessment of Nanomaterials

29 junio 2014

Dear Sir/Madam,

Based on your expression of interest for the above mentioned event, you are hereby kindly invited to the Topical Scientific Workshop on Regulatory Challenges in Risk Assessment of Nanomaterials that will take place in Helsinki, ECHA premises, on 23-24 October 2014. Please confirm your participation by registering via the registration form by 31 July 2014.

We expect that close to 200 experts in the field of risk assessment of nanomaterials will attend to discuss and update scientific principles and guidelines for assessing human health and environmental risks of chemical substances in nanoform. The emphasis of the discussions will be on how the main long term challenges from a regulatory perspective can be reflected and employed in the current and future research in relation to nanomaterials.

The discussions will be reinforced by an update of the recent developments in the field of risk assessment methodologies applied in chemicals management also outside the European Union.

The discussions will be held in plenary sessions with panel discussion and posters covering five topics: challenges in regulatory risk assessment of nanomaterials, measurement and characterization of nanomaterials, metrology and dose metrics for hazard and exposure assessment throughout the life cycle, environmental fate, persistence and bioaccumulation throughout the life cycle and read across and categories of nanomaterials. A more detailed preliminary programme and a background document on the specific topics can be found on the event website.

The workshop proceedings including the summaries and outcome of the discussions, presentations and posters will represent an updated review of the current state of the art of nanomaterials risk assessment and present a set of recommendations and guidance for using this information in the regulatory context frameworks.

Please note that this invitation is in your personal capacity and that no replacement will be accepted unless agreed with ECHA in advance. In case you are not able to attend, please inform us by e-mail as soon as possible at

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II Jornadas de Química Toxicológica de la Región Occidental de Panamá

18 mayo 2014

II Jornadas de Química Toxicológica