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22 febrero 2023

El 51º Congreso de la Sociedad Europea de Mutagénesis y Genómica Ambiental (EEMGS) tendrá lugar del 15 al 18 de mayo de 2023 en la ciudad de Málaga (España). El congreso se celebra conjuntamente con la 27º Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Mutagénesis y Genómica Ambiental (SEMA), cuyo comité ejecutivo organiza el evento.
Los comités organizador y científico están planificando una reunión que cumpla con las expectativas de la audiencia multidisciplinar, incluyendo investigadores y representantes del mundo académico, proveedores de servicios, industria y organismos reguladores. La reunión irá precedida de un taller HESI-GTTC titulado “Quantitative Interpretation of Genetic Toxicity Dose-response Data for Risk Assessment and Regulatory Decision-making – State of the Science, Applications, and Persistent Challenges”. Además, también está programado un taller post-congreso titulado “HUMN workshop on the buccal micronucleus (MN) cytome assay – New horizons for its implementation in human biomonitoring and clinical studies”. Ambos talleres serán gratuitos para los inscritos en el congreso.
Fechas importantes:
- Envío de resúmenes: hasta el 26 de febrero.
- Registro temprano: antes del 1 de abril.
- Límite para el registro: 1 de mayo.
Más información sobre este congreso, incluyendo los ponentes confirmados y el programa preliminar, se puede consultar en la página web EEMGS / SEMA 2023.
20 febrero 2023
20 diciembre 2022
30 noviembre 2022

On behalf of the Organising Committee, we are glad to invite you to take part in the 12th International Symposium on Biological Monitoring in Occupational and Environmental Health (ISBM-12) which will be held on June 21-23, 2023, in Porto, Portugal.
This Congress is organised by the Portuguese National Institute of Health (INSA, I.P.), the Institute of Public Health of University of Porto (ISPUP), and the Scientific Committee of Occupational Toxicology (SCOT) of the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH), in collaboration with other ICOH’s Scientific Committees, namely the Scientific Committee on Nanomaterial Workers’ Health, the Scientific Committee of Rural Health: Agriculture, Pesticides and Organic Dusts and the Scientific Committee of Toxicology of Metals. ISBM-12: Next Generation Biomonitoring will continue the ISBM congress series with a multidisciplinary and holistic view of the latest developments in the Human Biomonitoring (HBM) sciences, bringing together world’s leading scientists, experts, and students. State of the art developments in different topics of HBM (e.g., biomarkers, risk assessment, and regulation), new methodologies and developing expertise will be covered in different presentation formats (keynote lectures, oral and poster sessions).
Porto is a World Heritage vibrant city whose 900-year-old history echoes around its characterful winding streets, tilled churches and seven bridges. The city offers many attractions and activities that are affordable and will make visiting the city a trip to remember. From traditional Portuguese activities like Port wine tasting to historical attractions, Porto offers great environment for ISBM-12 conference.
We look forward to welcoming you in Porto!
João Paulo Teixeira
ISBM-12 Congress Chair
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