La Asociación Española de Toxicología llevó a cabo la renovación de su Junta Directiva durante las Jornadas de Formación en Toxicología celebradas en Valencia el día 24 de junio de 2014.
Entre los asistentes hubo una amplia representación tanto de la nueva Junta…

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Dear Sir/Madam,
Based on your expression of interest for the above mentioned event, you are hereby kindly invited to the Topical Scientific Workshop on Regulatory Challenges in Risk Assessment of Nanomaterials that will take place in Helsinki, ECHA premises, on 23-24 October 2014. Please confirm your participation by registering via the registration form by 31 July 2014.
We expect that close to 200 experts in the field of risk assessment of nanomaterials will attend to discuss and update scientific principles and guidelines for assessing human health and environmental risks of chemical substances in nanoform. The emphasis of the discussions will be on how the main long term challenges from a regulatory perspective can be reflected and employed in the current and future research in relation to nanomaterials.
The discussions will be reinforced by an update of the recent developments in the field of risk assessment methodologies applied in chemicals management also outside the European Union.
The discussions will be held in plenary sessions with panel discussion and posters covering five topics: challenges in regulatory risk assessment of nanomaterials, measurement and characterization of nanomaterials, metrology and dose metrics for hazard and exposure assessment throughout the life cycle, environmental fate, persistence and bioaccumulation throughout the life cycle and read across and categories of nanomaterials. A more detailed preliminary programme and a background document on the specific topics can be found on the event website.
The workshop proceedings including the summaries and outcome of the discussions, presentations and posters will represent an updated review of the current state of the art of nanomaterials risk assessment and present a set of recommendations and guidance for using this information in the regulatory context frameworks.
Please note that this invitation is in your personal capacity and that no replacement will be accepted unless agreed with ECHA in advance. In case you are not able to attend, please inform us by e-mail as soon as possible at
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18 al 22 de Agosto de 2014
Santiago, Chile
Este curso tiene por objeto generar las instancias de intercambio de conocimientos, avances en el diagnóstico/metodologías analíticas, manejo de accidentes convencionales y no convencionales y de desastres por materiales peligrosos que pueden comprometer a las personas, medio ambiente y alimentos, con implicancias para la salud y/o económicas para los países y Empresas. Además de propiciar las medidas de control de la emergencia y de salvaguardas las evidencias con bioseguridad que permitirán continuar con la investigación de los hechos.
Debe estar conectado para enviar un comentario.